Simulating a device or patient means modeling its
behavior, form, and visual appearance. Animating it means reproducing
just its visual appearance.
The word 'simulation' is thrown around haphazardly these
days, typically by companies that want to convince you that either you
just need to string together a picture and a couple of buttons to make
a 'simulation,' or you need to buy proprietary software that somehow
unlocks the magic of simulation.
Neither, of course, is true.
When you develop a computerized hands-on demonstration
of your device, you have to be confident that the virtual device operates
just like the real thing. That means you need developers, like Amethyst
Research, who know not only the equipment and its use, but also
simulation programming.
You deserve more for your efforts.
More for your money.
With our knowledge of medical equipment, you won't
have to waste your time (or money) training us about what you would
like to convey, something you would have to do if you worked with a
traditional design firm.
Whether you require a basic presentation or a full,
mathematical simulation with 3-D graphics, Amethyst Research
has the depth and experience to accomplish it.
What's more, we do it with only the most popular,
off-the-shelf development tools such as Flash, Authorware, and Toolbook,
so you're not at the mercy of licensing fees or specialized 'simulation'
development kits.